Friday, July 22, 2011

I win

Listening to: Billy Currington

I wonder how long this newfound stamina for blogging will last. I can usually only maintain intensity about something over a short period of time, then it gets tucked away in a corner of my mind- "remember when I used to crochet?" (I crocheted one lousy headband-i Dont even Wear headbands, bought another bundle of yarn and there it sits in my closet) or the semester i took beginning guitar in college.

The only things I've remained intense about my whole life are water sports/activities, reading, and taking care of animals... Ok there are probably a few that I am missing (BBQ Beef Ribs...) haha. Seriously though, there was a point here. The point is, I am enthusiastic about blogging this week, but next week is starting to fill up already and who knows how I will feel about it by then.

This morning was fantastic-It was sunny. Like, I could sit against the wall on my patio in a tank top and actually sweat. This is awesome for two reasons-one, i haven't gotten to bask in a while. My Vitamin D levels were dangerously low. two, at my old house my patio was exposed to the street, meaning i couldn't have sat outside in my tank top without getting stared at/hassled/feeling way uncomfortable. Win. I worked on stuff for the HIV/AIDS awareness workshop on Tuesday, did a little more housework, and thought about how fabulous life is.
It is amazing how much the sun influences my mood. I just sorta went with it this morning.

This afternoon I judged a dance competition between four competing junior high schools. It was a blast! Some of the kids really did a great job, with awesome costumes and choreography. I really enjoyed myself, even when after the event a couple groups of giggling girls asked if they could take a picture of me. I thought at first that they wanted a picture with me, which is slightly less awkward, but no they just took a picture of me standing by myself. Not sure what the big deal is, but ok.

I got home just as it was starting to thunder and rain a little bit. A few (two) dry days makes the thunder and lightening and rain new and magical all over again. I do love me a good thunderstorm. I put some rice and vegetables on the stove for upset tummy dog, then came inside and started picking up around the house. After a while I smelled what I registered as tortillas heating on a stove....Five minutes later, I realized what the smell was. Rushed out to the kitchen and salvaged it with very little burnt rice mess-WIN. Hazards of having my stove outside.

Got to talk to my mom and brother-they are down in Orange County moving my bro into his new apartment-he goes to CSU Fullerton in the fall. Win.

Made this spinach-cashew-cream cheese-garlicky concoction in the blender last night with hopes of turning it into a dip for the crackers Mom sent down, but i didn't have any olive oil to help it blend so it only kinda blended. It is still delicious and I think I am going to bake it and spread it on whole wheat rolls for dinner. Win.

Wow, didn't realize what a winning day it was until reflecting. I'm going to stop before I make y'all jealous. I think I'll kick back, watch a movie and eat some spinach dip deliciousness.

Good night !

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