Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When I started this blog, I had definite delusions that I was going to be a good blogger, dedicating time out of each day to chronicle every cultural mishap, travel adventure, "Peace Corps Moment," etc. Sadly, this has turned into a once-monthly (if i'm lucky) "I'm not dead/picture upload" reassurance for mom and dad. Let me just say that as I enter the last 8 months or so of my Peace Corps service, I have the best intentions of rectifying this.... Wish me luck!

I woke up this morning out of a seemingly deep sleep at 7:30, and still trying to shake out the cobwebs...I was sleeping hard. This in itself is amazing given my general insomniac state and the fact that I've had a nasty cough/cold the last week or so. Maybe this was due to the fact that I moved the last little things to my new house yesterday-although things are still in random boxes and piles, and I have a panic attack every time I look for something for 30 seconds and don't find it (It could be anywhere). I am doubly glad for the move so close to end of service-it gave me a chance to purge all that stuff that accumulates in random piles all over the house. Where does that stuff come from? Seriously... Also had the will power to throw away/give away clothes so ratty/torn/faded/that sweater that sits hopefully in the back of the drawer that maybe someday will get worn. Who are we kidding? Additionally, thanks to my awesome counterpart Verney, I dropped off two giant bags of recycling that I have been hoarding in Xela yesterday-and then we got Subway =) fresh veggies on whole wheat bread . I digress.

I agreed to go see the new Harry Potter movie this Saturday with a couple friends. I have only seen the first one, and after last night, the 6th (?) one. I haven't read ANY of the books. After watching the 6th one, I'll admit that they are entertaining but I'm just Not a fan...Sorry guys. I don't see what all the fuss is about. I'm a Lord of the Rings girl-and more recently-a Twilight girl. My enthusiasm for the surreal centers around the Epic battles, steamy romance, HOT leading men and women...... well it sounds kind of awful when I write it like that. But still, my opinion stands. Harry Potter, you never had a chance....

At any rate I AM going to see the last one on Saturday, mostly because I finally tracked down this American Diner style restaurant that makes Biscuits and Gravy on Saturdays and I have been craving Biscuits and Gravy like since I've been here. I used to wake up on my friend Ashley's couch at like 7 am after a decadent and depraved Friday Night with only one thought in my mind. BISCUITS AND GRAVY. At which point I would locate my shoes, don sunglasses and hood, and stumble down the stairs to my bike. Oh yeah, at this point I have already speed-dialed LUISA'S PLACE (awesomest diner in san luis obispo) and placed an order for a platter of biscuits and gravy, to go. Pedaling a wobbly, painful 6 or 7 blocks to the diner, I pick up said order and pedal another couple miles (and SLO is hilly and unforgiving for the hangover crowd) take out container swinging and sloshing gravy goodness around in the bag on my handlebars, finally making it home where i plop down on my couch and inhale that reviving mixture of butter, flour, milk and bacon grease and drift back into a contented sleep.

So it occurs to me now that my expectations for these biscuits and gravy are high, maybe to a fault. But I have to put my hope in Something. Right?

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