Sunday, December 18, 2011

So feria "ended" but the street vendors, for the most part, are sticking around.  As is the video arcade, and unreasonably loud music, apparently.  I will be going back to work tomorrow, trying to make some headway on my ambitious December list, along with writing an end of the year report on my service. 

We in Peace Corps Guatemala received some upsetting news on Friday that I have been postponing writing about because it is super disappointing.  I want to preface the news by asking you all to please not worry about me; the admin here has done and continues to do everything possible to keep us Volunteers safe.  Despite their efforts, however, Peace Corps Washington handed down the decision on Friday to suspend arrival of any new Volunteers to Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras due to the declining security situation in our countries. 

What does this mean for me, personally?  I think the news most directly affects those of us leaving in March who were expecting to be replaced because, for the time being at least, we will NOT be replaced.  This leaves most of us disappointed and worried about the projects and the work that we have done here.  Not to mention all of people who thought they were leaving to begin their Peace Corps missions in a short two weeks.  It hurts my heart to put myself in their shoes.  I hope Peace Corps will find them new posts in a timely manner.  

In short, I don't know exactly what to think about this news, except to grieve for the wonderful work that Peace Corps does down here and the thought of the loss to both potential Peace Corps Volunteers and potential host communities.  Also the sadness I feel that a new Volunteer won't be replacing me and continuing to support Environmental Conservation and Education work in my community.  It is up to the people of the community to follow through with it.  I hope I've planted seeds that will grow in the absence of another volunteer and fear that it wasn't enough. 

So uncertainty and disappointment abound in the Volunteer community for the time being.  I think that this week we will receive more updates about what this bombshell means for those of us still in country.  Will they evacuate?  Adopt a gradual phase-out that allows those of us here to finish up our service? Or is this a temporary measure that will be repealed in the future?  =/ 

More news to follow

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