Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Leaning on Technology

My computer got sick about two weeks ago.  The screen flashed black and white while I was working on it in the office and I held my breath while it lasted -about 30 seconds-and then it went back to normal.  I tried to deny that it had happened-perhaps I imagined it?

Later in the week, it happened over and over again after varying periods of normal function and I had to admit I had a problem.  I googled the symptoms and the general consensus was that it was unsalvageable.  I felt sick to my stomach.  I took it to the repair shop, not even daring to hope that it could be fixed-but was assured that replacing the screen would fix the problem.

Does all this sound akin to the stress level that would accompany-oh i don't know - a sick child, not a piece of replaceable machinery?? While I am happy to report that after a week in the shop, all that was wrong was a loose connection that they fixed for about $10, the event brought to light my concerning dependence on this piece of machinery. 

With it, its easy to keep tabs on friends and family, talk to my boyfriend daily on Skype, read the news, surf the internet mindlessly, watch movies and tv shows at night.... not to mention work related functions. 

What the hell do peace corps volunteers do where there is no electricity and no internet?  And Why aren't I one of them?  I certainly hadn't pictured myself plugged into my email and facebook and blog Daily while down here in a third world country.  *frowns*  I feel guilty, uncomfortable with how much my computer occupies my daily life, but unable to stop.  My computer is back,a nd here I am, surfing the net while I drink my coffee.  I wish my service had been back in the 60's, before laptops and mobile internet and skype. Or do I?

The mini-crisis brought about by my computer getting sick forced me to ask these difficult questions today, and I hope will motivate me to reduce my computer time and increase time spent doing other activities and getting creative about doing so.  Today for example (and actually have to cut this short now to do so) taking our Girl's Group from the Library to hike on the mountain.   Yay physical activity, nature, sunshine.... !

In other news, we are being STANDFASTED again this weekend for the second round of elections.  We dont expect any violence here in Sija, but thats probably why they want me to stay here.  I'll try to avoid reading your FB status updates in real time.  Promise.

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